Life Insurance Selling Tips
We are pleased to inform you that the Insurance Times Group has launched a book on Tips on Selling Life Insurance. The Life Insurance Market in India has become very competitive. With around 24 Life insurers in the field the competition has hotted up and unless the life Insurance agent is geared up, policy selling will be a difficult proposition.
The Life Insurance Agent must use all its ammunition in its armory to pitch to the customers professionally and convince him to buy the policy from him. In the whole selling process, right from prospecting to closing the sales, requires some extra effort to stand in the crowd. Even one mistake is enough to lose the business and there is no 2nd chance in the selling field.
Looking to the demand of insurance professionals we ventured to bring out a publication which is handy and can give the insurance agents simple tips for effectively selling insurance. Our books covers some unique tips which will help the agents to close the sale quickly and increase their business. The book is priced very reasonably at Rs.150 per copy plus Rs. 30 postal charges.
Even if the agent can use one tip effectively it can give him sizeable business. We would request you to purchase this book in bulk for all insurance agents under your control.
In order to sell a “Life Insurance” the first and the most important step is knowing where you are on this ladder, will help you determine what your next step should be. Moreover, you already know that each and every week, you must create a new inventory of names to call. At a minimum, you must replace the names you called on last week. So, if you are finding difficult to do it follow these simple steps below:-
Life Insurance Selling Tips
Role of Insurance Advisor at the time of underwriting under the policy (Checklist)
Role of Insurance Advisor at the time of Claims under the policy (Checklist)
Qualities of Good Sales Personnel
The scope of activities in sales situations
TQM in INSURANCE marketing
Selling Process
Types of sales presentations
How to improve your presentation skills
Clientele building, prestige, and prospecting
Cold Canvassing – The Need Of The Hour
Closing tactics: High-risk closes
General Ideas for Closing Success
Handling sales objections
6 sales objections and mistakes sales representatives make
24 ways to increase the sell in Life Insurance
Exceed their expectations
How to create a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Selling and Salesman’s Attitudes
The secret of becoming a top insurance salesman
Word of mouth can be your best marketing tool
10 Ways to make a first impression count
Work smarter by managing time The Body language
The Body language
Difficult People
Fifteen common customer expectations
10 tips to be a winner in life
These are the above-mentioned tips for selling Life Insurance
Click here to view sample pages of the Book
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