Reinsurance Technologies for Claims Management


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This book covers various aspects of Reinsurance Technologies in Claims Management The book is priced at Rs.750 Plus Rs.60 courier charges. For the inaugural launch offer, the courier delivery is FREE. The cost of the delivery of books outside India is the US $ 35. It includes delivery charge

Additional Information

Author K L NAIK
ISBN 978-93-81489-55-0
Binding Paperback
Publisher Sashi Publications Pvt Ltd
Language English


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  1. Reinsurance Manual
  2. Reinsurance Accounts
  3. Understanding the Reinsurance Treaty Slips
  4. Excess of Loss Reinsurances
  5. Reinsurance Technologies in Claims Management
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Reinsurance Technologies for Claims Management

‘Claims Management’ is vital to the Insurance and Reinsurance Industries’ all players for achieving greater spread, deeper penetration and harmonious relationships among Original Insureds, Reinsured Insurers, and their Reinsurers as well as retrocessionaires. A prompt and positive claims management can contribute to generating rapid growth with strength and stability.
However, Reinsurers always follow the legal and technical fortunes of the Reinsured Insurers. All valid claims are to be settled promptly by Reinsurers to Reinsureds. However, this also depends upon Reinsurance Technologies which are followed uniformly by reinsurers universally. This book is an attempt to explain to all Risk Carriers and Risk Brokers as well as Regulators- The impacts of Reinsurance Technologies for all Methods of Reinsurances. Risk Management concepts are fundamental to Claims Management and a practical business-like approach can be evolved for efficient Claim Management.

Some expert reviews are as follows:-

Mr. K.L. Naik a Reinsurance Guru and authority on the subject has taken the initiative to write this book on Reinsurance Technologies in Claim Management.
Mr. Naik has very rich experience in the reinsurance field both in Indian and International markets and he has put forth all his experience in capsule form in this book.
The book written in lucid language will be an easy reference guide for Insurers, Reinsurance Professionals, Students, Intermediaries. It will be a rich and valuable addition to every library for reference on Reinsurance in India.

Important topics covered in the book
1 Introduction to Claim Management by Insurers, Reinsurers, and Retrocessionaires
2 Fundamentals of Reinsurance
3 Reinsurance Principles and Claim Management
4 Reinsurance Underwriting and Proportional Reinsurance Treaty
5 Man-Made Catastrophes of Terrorism and Proportional Reinsurance Technologies
6 Proportional Facultative Reinsurance and Claims Management
7 Non – Proportional Treaties of Various Kinds
8 Claim Management according to Non – Proportional Treaty Clauses
9 Claim Management for Stop Loss XL Treaty
10 Facultative Non – Proportional Reinsurance and Claims Management
11 Reinsurance Loss Recoveries of NAT CAT Losses of Acts of God Perils
12 Lesson Learnt from NAT CAT Losses from 2005 to 2011
13 An Airline’s Aircraft Aircrash and Claims Management
14 Cyber Risks and Claim Management
15 Outstanding Losses and IBNR for Reinsurance Claim Management
16 ART Technologies and Claims Management
17 Role of Reinsurance Brokers in Claim Management
18 Actual Examples of Claim Management
19 Glossary

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Tag: #ReinsuranceBook, #ClaimManagement #reinsurance

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